Call Us Today! (610) 918-1444

Office Hours Monday — Friday 9:00AM to 5:00PM

West Chester • Wayne • Clifton Heights

Service Area

Chester, Delaware, Montgomery Counties in southeastern Pennsylvania

Chimney Sweep PA Chimney Sweep PA Chimney Sweep PA

Let There Be Light Chimney Sweep BBB Business Review

Chimney Sweep PA

Insured, Licensed and Certified

PA Home Improvement Contractor License #031156

Certified Master Chimney Technician #41

F.I.R.E. Certified Inspector #052

F.I.R.E. Certified Chimney Technician

Member Better Business Bureau

Certified Chimney Reliner #041

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Let There Be Light Chimney Sweep

          West Chester Wayne

“Call us with confidence”

The Main Line: (610) 687-9058

Chester County  (610) 918-1444

Delaware County  (610) 918-1444

Office Hours:

Monday - Friday   9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Fax: (610) 918-0390   Call us first, before faxing.

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Due to high email volume our email address has been deactivated until the end of the busy season. Please call us instead, for jiffy service!

All the best,
Let There Be Light Chimney Sweep

Uh oh, the chimney sweeping busy season is here already.

Winter is approaching fast and you may have forgotten to get your chimney serviced again.  Now is the time to get your chimney ready for the burning season and to try and beat the crushing Fall rush, however, the tidal wave of phone calls appears to have started a little earlier than last year.

The days of freezing toes and biting snows will be upon us before we're ready for them.  Remember how much fun it was last year?  Don't put yourself in the situation, when you're ready to light a fire in the fireplace, to coldly realize that you didn't get your chimney swept.  

Oh well, there's always the attitude that "it won't happen to me."  I had a customer tell me once, that when his hostile chimney fire started, he just stood in the corner and bit his fingernails, hoping that the whole house wouldn't burn down.  He was lucky.

The people that come in the shiny red trucks with the long ladders are very nice, but it is better not to meet them on their terms.  Nor is it a good thing to see your neighbors running towards your house with sticks and hot dogs, as your run-away chimney lights up the night sky.


"Fire is only your friend if you're a harsh taskmaster over it." -John Wisnewski


As always, sweepings and inspections are a necessary part in getting or keeping your chimney in good condition and in working order.  Remember, clean chimneys don't catch fire.  

We continue to wish you and yours a blessed season, as the year 2025 is rolling along.

Sweepingly yours,
John Wisnewski